James King, Chairman-HostInScotland

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"As the organisation representing and promoting the interests of the datacentre industry in Scotland, Host in Scotland is delighted to support this very important initiative. The critical importance of digital infrastructure and connectivity has been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic and we believe that the development of new, efficient digital infrastructure which is provided on a net zero carbon basis is essential for society’s future requirements. Scotland has an abundance of renewable energy capability and we are keen that this, aligned with efficient equipment and reuse of waste heat, can support the growth of the datacentre industry in the country."

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Garry Connolly, President & Founder-Host in Ireland

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"The Carbon Neutral Data Centre Pact is a good initial step in bringing together the European Datacentre industry to actively play its part in addressing the serious climate challenges we face as individuals, an industry and society. Host in Ireland has always believed in the power of the collective. The commitment of data centre owners, operators and trade associations to work as a whole to achieve these goals provides the strongest foundation for success."

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