Video of the online debate discussing the essential role of data centres in delivering Europe’s Green Deal

This online conference explores the technical, regulatory and educational aspects required to deliver climate neutral data centres. It outlines progress made and discusses the challenges that lie ahead in delivering a sustainable digital economy.

The 90-minute event opens with a keynote presentation from from Claudia Canevari (Head of Unit, DG ENER, European Commission) and Manuel Mateo Goyet (Deputy Head of Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission) who outline the importance of climate neutral data centres to Europe’s ambitions for a Digital Decade and the Green Deal.

Then, a panel debate is organised with experts including hyperscale cloud providers, data centre operators and SMEs involved in educating and informing audiences of the potential of climate neutral digital services, as well as cities or other public sector bodies with a role in commissioning/regulating data centre provision.

The moderated panel addresses the following topics:
• How to create a climate neutral data centre – what has been achieved and what still remains to be done.
• How the industry has cooperated to self-regulate and lead the way for others
• The importance of integrated planning and the role of data centres in the smart cities of the future
• Details of the specific targets and activities already underway and planned and their role in delivering the Green Deal

Following the panel debate, a Q&A session is organised with the panellists.
